Arnulfo de Soissons, a famous clergyman who became Bishop of Soissons – not without regret, as he fled from the Monastery in order not to have to occupy this position – was fond of two fluids that changed the course of humanity: first, he introduced the production of boiling water in order to prevent the transmission of contagious diseases. About the second, we shall speak later.
Tres hombres. Tres barbas. No son los ZZ Top. Tampoco son unos fuera de la ley pero, podrían perfectamente encarnar a los protagonistas de Down by Law. En realidad sólo son los extraños habitantes de la Torre de Cristal.
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Divendres 29 d'Abril farem la presentació de De Glazen Toren, una petita cerveseria artesana dirigida per dos mestres cervesers diplomats per l’escola de Gante.
In the early 80s the Belgian brewing scene was characterized by a certain monotony in terms of variety and a certain monopoly by the breweries that had managed to overcome the crisis after the Second World War.